New server & Car capturing info for our site!

Good morning all,
We hope you’re well this fine July day. It’s been about 2 weeks since our last blog post, and whilst we have some time we thought we’d write a little blog update to let you know that Selfish Parker is now running on new servers. What does that mean? Well not much to the average Joe, and in fact, even I, the typist hadn’t foggiest before our lovely web developer/coder/magician with a keyboard managed to explain it in layman’s terms for me….it means that our site will now load faster, hold more pictures and information about the cars posted.
Basically, since being seen in the press we’ve had a lot more members join and a lot more of those members submit posts (keep up the good work team). So many in fact, that our old server (hosted by GoDaddy) couldn’t cope.
So what new data are we capturing I guess you’re asking? Well, we can now a check on whether the vehicle 1) Has Tax, 2) It’s valid, and 3) If it has MOT valid?
Pretty cool eh?
Check out an example here of registration number BIG 2996
Valid Tax: True
Tax Expiry: 01-05-2018
Mot Expiry: 20-10-2017
And soon, we hope to be able to even run a little valuation programme! God, this site and project is getting even more geeky/cool/over the top/weird/fun.
Why are we doing these extra bits? Well think about it, not only are we now able to expose selfish, inconsiderate, lazy, bad, idiot parkers across the UK, but we can also help get their cars taken away or have them fined for driving illegally. Wouldn’t that make the world (or at least the roads of the UK) a better place?
Anyway, all the best to you today.