First blog post on our new site!

If you have visited this site before and managed to find the old Blog post then very well done. As you can see, our site has changed! The old site looked poor, was not very user-friendly, and needed a big update. Well, this is now in hand…
We started this site in 2013 when London parking became painful, but like a lot of internet sites, life got in the way. With new and busier jobs, combined with update problems with WordPress, the ambition of maintaining this site went away.
Now, however, our site has had a major facelift and we hope that our third (and final) attempt of revamping this site will be the one the kicks off the original plan of naming and shaming selfish parkers on a country-wide scale that we started with.
We hope you enjoy this site. Search for your Registration number, search for your friend’s or family members registration plate…shame them! Spread the word of this site…and who knows, maybe just maybe, after being found on here and publically shame for being a selfish parker….people may start to be less selfish!